| New up-to-date scenarios, for example: «energy shortages», «China's geographical expansion», «the end of the euro», «rise of extremism in Europe»... |
| New elements on the map, with the possibility of new construction projects: highways, inland waterways, power lines, giant dams... |
| New animations and special effects on the map: urban sprawling, barges on rivers, rocket launches, Canadair aircrafts fighting fires, melting ice banks and rising sea levels, oil spills, ocean liners sinking... |
| New legislation and simulation of economic and political actions: minimum mandatory age for schooling, several VAT brackets, taxes for relocating business overseas, issuing of currency, managing gas and shale oil activities, Internet censorship... |
| Added management functionality for the conquest of space: launching space probes, building shuttles, colonizing the moon, traveling to Mars... |
| Integration in a multi-country mode of an online global high score, which would be calculated according to goals set at the start (a more peaceful world, a wealthier world, a world without unemployment, a more ecological world, etc.), and the ability to pass laws worldwide. |
| Actions between characters: more opportunities for negotiations, corruption, diplomacy, and alliances with the game's characters |
| A specific «Second World War» version: historical context, interface, and operation of the game adapted to the period from 1920 to 1945, enabling players to replay and change History |
| A specific «Cold War» version: historical context, interface, and operation of the game adapted to the period from 1945 to 1989, enabling players to replay and change History |
| More intrusive secret-services with more actions available |
| Enhanced Wargame features: construction of fortifications, implantation of minefields, management of robotic units, ability to insert paratroopers, management of drones, integration of real military equipment... |
| Possibility of controlling military units (oversight, combat) in 3D mode |
| Enhancing the simulation of the world of the future: development of robotics (legislation, impact on the economy...), longer lifetime, overpopulation, global warming... |
| Integration and management of major multinationals: IPOs and other capital transactions, state intervention, simulation of stock markets... |
| Managing rebel troops and civil wars |
| Managing UN armies |
| New characters plus new pressure groups and lobbies, featuring new faces (criminal psychopaths, hackers, social networking communities, political dissidents...) |
| Simulation of non-Western countries: a more realistic simulation of poor countries, developing countries, and dictatorships |
| Ability to play the opposition to those in power: run electoral campaigns, launch demonstrations or strikes, propose counter reforms, dissent and raise an army to engage in a civil war; simulation of the actions and reactions of those in power, creation of a new party... |
| Development of the private sphere: managing personal wealth; ability to divorce and remarry, to have a mistress, to have children, to |
| Quick game mode (without micro-management of countries and without war) enabling the player to make time pass very quickly and to see the evolution of data |
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